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To be seen and loved for YOU

Embracing Your True Self: Lessons from Bryan Johnson


For entertainment, I’ve lately been drawn to documentaries. They have this unique ability to tell profound stories in accessible, visually captivating ways. My all-time favorite is A Trip to Infinity. It’s a mind-bending exploration of how physicists grapple with the concept of infinity—something that defies the very laws of physics they were taught. Watching these brilliant minds stand in awe, almost in reverence of the infinite, left me equally in wonder. The animations brought abstract concepts to life, bridging the gap between the incomprehensible and the understandable. HIGHLY recommend!


Recently, I watched a documentary about Bryan Johnson—the man trying to reverse aging. It was fascinating, not only because of the science behind his journey but also the transformation in how I perceived him as the film unfolded.


At first, Bryan comes across as... quirky. His habits are extreme. He meticulously weighs every bite of food based on an algorithm, takes hundreds of supplements daily, maintains an intense workout regimen, sleeps like clockwork, and even undergoes plasma exchanges and gene therapy—all in the name of slowing the aging process.


Naturally, people throw stones at him:

  • “You’re rich, so you can afford this lifestyle.”

    • True, but he started with diet and exercise.

  • “You’re just trying to profit.”

    • He made his fortune with Venmo long before this and was deeply unhappy at the time.

  • “Why trust an algorithm to dictate your diet?”

    • But seriously, how many of us consistently make great choices about what we eat?


Bryan’s story has layers. Beneath his extreme habits is a man who once struggled profoundly. He was rich, married, and a father of three, yet battled depression and alcoholism. He felt trapped in a life misaligned with his soul, particularly within the Mormon church. So, he chose to change.

What struck me most was his courage to commit—fully and unapologetically—to what he believes in, despite the costs. The film unpacks this beautifully. Yes, he’s unconventional, but his critiques of modern society are valid:

  • Our environments make it far too easy to be sedentary.

  • Alcohol dominates social bonding, despite its harm.

  • Highly processed foods are marketed relentlessly while true nourishment is an afterthought.


While Bryan’s methods are extreme, his points resonate deeply. Watching him move from a place of discomfort—being misunderstood and ridiculed—to unapologetic authenticity was inspiring. Despite the hate, he kept showing up as himself. At one point, he posted an open invite for a “Don’t Die” hike, and to his surprise, dozens of people showed up. He began finding his community—people who celebrated his vision, his quirks, and his courage to be himself.


It’s a powerful journey. It reminds me of artists, activists, and everyday individuals who choose to embrace their uniqueness, even when it costs them acceptance from the mainstream. Teenagers coming out as queer, creatives embracing their “weirdness,” people shedding societal roles—they all walk this path. It’s not easy.


But to be seen, loved, and accepted for who you truly are?


That’s freedom.


So, let me ask you:

  • Where in your life are you forcing yourself to fit into a role, a mold, or someone else’s expectations?

  • What would it feel like to step out of that, to be visible as your true self?

  • Can you imagine the joy of being fully seen and celebrated for exactly who you are?


I invite you to take that first bold step toward rediscovering your true inner self. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture—small steps count. Let’s explore together how to align with your deepest truth, to shed the layers that no longer serve you, and to step into your most authentic, vibrant life.


You may feel like you don't even know your true self. But trust me, she's in there! If you desire support in re-connecting with who you truly are, I’m here for you. Click here to set up a free call with me as the next step in your journey.


In freedom,



At Paradigm Expansions, we guide those who feel confined to roles of endless giving and performing to:

Release guilt and shame around not being enough

Honor your own needs as the foundation for authentic service

Step boldly into your most radiant self.

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